Saturday, May 23, 2009

.Rest In Peace Alwyn.

A true story about a boy who lived in an area that surrounded itself with negative vibes, murder stories and criminals, shows us what it’s like to be different it shows us how he surrounded himself with happiness, family, and good morals. Alwyn lost his life... not because he is a black kid with a bad attitude... not because he lives in the ghetto... not because he got jumped... no. Alwyn lost his life because he was diagnosed with colon cancer... at the tender age of 16... Scary enough... that is the same age as me.

This was one of the most touching stories that I have ever encountered. Alwyn was a fighter, he was doing everything in his power to get over the cancer so that he could move on and live as the young flourishing 16 year that he was. It went away, but as most cancer does, it came back, stronger... and less forgiving. Alwyn surrounded himself with his family and his friends on the less then pleasant journey through his battle with cancer, remembering that they were the most important things in the world to him.

I am writing a blog about this because I think that these types of documentaries are the most brilliant of them all. A film that was created not to make money and not to get made famous by but made to share a story that is as raw and real as a story can get. There is no Hollywood glamour or thousand dollar sets... Just a young man who needed people to know that he was different and that he was strong.

I recommend this film to everyone and anyone.
God bless you Alwyn Barry.
Rest peacefully, knowing that you are an inspiration to me and many more.



The baptism montage in the Godfather is important to the development of Michael Corleone's character because it reveals who he is and shows us that he clearly has changed from the youngest of the sons into the Godfather. At the end of the baptisomol scene it becomes clear the Michael is both a part of the family ... and the family business.

I love how he is participating in the baptism of his Godchild but at the same time he is arranging the murders of all of the other gang leaders. It is rather ironic actually... as he is swearing to the Lord that he will take care of this child as their Godfather... and that he will be a peaceful person and refuse the temptations of Satan... it is being shown that he is killing off all of his gang
enemies. How peaceful of him.

This scene foreshadows the things that are to come... It shows us that Michael Corleone is not the same Godfather as his father was ...He is letting violence interfere with his home life...and that is not acceptable.

Watch the movies TO SEEE WHAT HAPPPENS :)


Ponies and pumpkin heads

I like it... It does get boring at a point because there is a lot of the same shot over and over. Like when the boys are walking in the field and when they are shown skateboarding in four split screens ...this happens over and over again.

I get the vibe that Dustinn Craig is trying to show the stereotypical version of what people see Natives as and he is comparing that to the reality of these Native kids who just love to skate. I think that the way he has them dressed in very traditional Native clothing adds to the stereotypical image that people have in their minds about Natives. I think he is just trying to say that... Yeah these kids come from a very strong background with strong beliefs and traditions but in the end they are just a bunch of kids with talent that do what they do where they want to do it and there should be absolutely no need for discrimination against that.

I am not sure I understood the whole pumpkin head thing... Perhaps he is trying to symbolism the idea that if you love to do something then you love to do it ...No matter who you are ... a person of Native decent... A person Of Chinese decent ... Canadian decent, Italian decent... a pumpkin head... They are all the same and they simply love what they do.

I absolutely believe that he was successful. It takes a person with an open mind to understand abstract films... and it takes an equally as open minded person to understand other cultures and to apprectiate people for who they are ... not what they wear or what they eat.

FinNnNNNnNNn - tv

Friday, May 22, 2009


DEVELOPER.STOP.DEATH. I am pretty sure that everyone that saw this movie absolutely adored it. Not only was it side strikingly hilarious but it was witty, well shot and brilliantly edited. A huge part of this movie had to do with risk.

The team that came together to create this film were not afraid to take their film to the next level. I was talking to some of the guys and they told me that the entire movie was done in one shot. Do you know how hard that is? Every action has to work the first time, all of the lighting has to be exact and the actors have to step up their game and stay focused until the movie is complete. The film was also shot by someone who was in the movie... He was one of the characters as well as the cinematographer. I found that this gave the film a unique feel and it of course added to the horror film aspect that the guys were trying to maintain throughout. This movie and the wicked cool guys behind this movie inspire me to keep going and keep making films. The fact that the This movie and the wicked cool guys behind this movie inspire me to keep going and to keep making films. The fact that they are only one year older then I show’s me that I am capable of making some films that are just as stellar as theirs. GOOD JOB GUUYSSSSSS I LOVED IT 

One Day I watched a film by the name of One Day and it was awesome. The plot was very cute and realistic, the acting was very good, the script was well written and over all I really liked it.

The only thing that drove me crazy about this film (this also goes for many other films) is the audio. I can’t stand when there is bad audio... For example, when the boy and his girl are walking into his house all of the audio is so quiet and the audience members have to strain to hear what is going on. I completely understand how hard audio is when it comes to making films but I find that it isn’t that difficult to fix. You have to make sure that you don’t get ahead of yourself while filmmaking and you just have to be aware of whats around you and how it could potentially be affecting your audio. Other than that I loved this film GO HARRY CHEUNG ahah

I have mad respect for everyone that makes movies, whether they are 3 minute shorts or 35 minute horrors. I feel like the most tedious, time consuming and stressful course in the entire school, can be the most rewarding as well. Speaking from my own personal experience, after Zahailey and I had completed our abstract film and handed it in neither of us had felt so accomplished in our lives. We were sitting in a theatre watching as people viewed our movie for the first time...not only did they come out and choose to watch our movie (sometimes more than once) but they paid to see it as well... it was outrageous watching in silence as our film rolled along. I would and WILL be doing it again. Lovely Cow productions have just begun.

tRAcie.E. volpe

PS ... The screenings are stellar as they are. Thanks for an awesome year miss 

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Baz Lurhman is a brave man to say the least. After making a short, three minute abstract film I have a very miniscule idea of what it is like to shoot, edit, and complete a film. It is a tedious experience that takes a lot of patience and talent. Baz takes the already extremely difficult task of making a movie and upgrades it by choosing a location that is so off of the map and so intense compared to the Hollywood set life.

This movie is shot in the raw and fierce outback of Australia. This is not only a place that is very far away from the rest of civilization but it is also a place that has many obstacles to overcome while trying to create a movie.... For example the excruciating heat, dangerous animals and the distance of travelling it takes to get to the preferred shooting spot.

I find it fascinating that it took them such a long time to decide whether or not they wanted to shoot in the suggested outback area. One of the crew members went out and took photographs of the beautiful piece of Australian outback, came back to Baz and discussed the potential space and then together agreed that it was exactly what the film was going to need. Not only did they have to lug all of the tech things around like cameras, lights, tables and chairs EST... They also had to build an accurately sized house, in the middle of nowhere, as part of the set.

I think that these little podcasts add to the overall beauty of the film. The film is very large and extravagant it is referred to as an epically enchanting romance… or something along those lines (I can’t check because it doesn’t let me at school). Anyhow, it helps the audience to get a better idea of how long and intense the process is when it comes to making a movie and it helps to make people appreciate the work put into these huge feature films. Perhaps it also helps to ease people’s minds when it comes to paying for their $11.00 movie tickets.

I have yet to see this film but I am looking forward to the time when I do. On my flight to Australia in March Australia was being shown on the plane but I kept passing over it because it is such a long movie. But after watching those couple of podcasts I see that if Baz and his crew were to go to such an extent and only create an hour and a half long movie then it would seem like almost a complete waste of their time and energy. I can't wait to view this film. The recommendations have been coming from everyone :)

F - - Tracie Volpe
I - - Tracie Volpe
N - - Tracie Volpe

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

open your eyes and watch.. "The Fall"

You probably shouldn't be reading this if you have not watched the movie The Fall. My God .. I tip my hat soooo far off to this film.. to the director ..the actors .. the editors, producers, costume designers and everyone else that was even slightly involved. It is one hell of a movie.

I will start with the plot and see if I can do it the justice it deserves. The plot is quite simple, actually. It is about a young man whos job was being a stunt person in movies. After one of his stunts, he is hospitalized because of the failed attempt. He becomes extremely depressed and suicidal because of the whole ordeal.. and on top of that he loses the love of his life to a rich actor. While in the hospital he meets a glorious little girl named Alexandria who saves his life. Throughout the film the main character Roy Walker befriends little Alexandria and narrates a story that he has created by fusing together patients, staff and others with imagined personas and placing them in exotic lands in his mind..All of this in order to persuade the little girl to steal a fatal jar of morphine pills for the suicidal Roy. Alexandria is so enthralled by the story that she will do anything in order to have Roy complete the "epic tale of love and revenge"... I am going to leave it at that..I don't want to spoil it :)

CINEMATOGRAPHY ... whhhhhatTTTTTTTTTTTT... Okay ..the cinematography in this film is outrageaous. I wish that my mind could create the images that Roy creates within his mind. This film was shot on location in 18 different countries around the world. I think that they chose the most amazing places to film on the planet. The shots of the desert and of the blue city were some of the most extrodinary shots that I have ever seen.. Perhaps it is just me..but I thought that they were abosolutely amazing.
I rate this to be top five in my favourite movies list. It is extrordinarily creative..the characters were brilliant and the story made me laugh made me also made me cry.. To have a movie evoke such strong and true feeling from a person is a very special thing.. But to also incorporate an award winning movie from a cinematographic angle throws it over the edge. Props to this amazing director and as I said earlier to anyone that was in anyway a part of The Fall.

Recommendation..... You should already know. ENJOY


Monday, April 20, 2009


I have noticed something about films these days, and I find that there is this tendency to have movies be about complete nonsense… some of them are about things that will, in no way, broaden ones horizons or educated a person to any extent. I came across the film Water, in my religion class actually, and I learned so much… not only is it a very well rounded movie from a cinematography angle… it also teaches you so much about Hindu practice and the way in which people live differently from ourselves.

I loved this film, its cinematography, acting and Deepa Mehtas’ depth of knowledge, made this movie absolutely outstanding. The way in which the movie is filmed from the way in which Chuyia laughs turns this movie into an intriguingly moving film.

The cinematography in this film is fantastic; there is a sense of rareness to the way this film is shot. For example, the opening scene is shot from an extremely low, wide angle, on the ground. This creates a beautifully wide shot of the land, giving an idea of the setting that is held throughout the entire plot. The transition from the ground to Chuyia in the cart is accompanied by role focus and dolly actions. This advanced cinematography adds to the quality of this wonderful film.

The young actress that plays Chuyia is the reason why this movie can evoke such vast amounts of emotion from a person. Chuyia's character is innocent and unaware but this never holds her back from being feisty and curious. The acting that takes place during the shaving of Chuyia’s head evoked the most emotion from me. The way that she sat there in such silence and confusion, as a stranger took away such an important part of her, pained me and brought tears to my eyes. She did not understand why it was happening but she knew that it was a part of her life that she had no choice but to deal with.

This film left me with a great deal of knowledge about certain threatening and non threatening Hindu practices and the politics that go on surrounding some of theses practices. I learned that Hindu’s practice their religion by doing things such as praying in the “Holy Water” of the lake, wearing prayer necklaces and repeating prayers over and over again, and celebrating their lives and their God through festivals of colour.
I also learned that women who have been sent to ashrams, because of the death of their husbands, are seen as disgusting and useless. It is said that they are not to come in contact with woman who are getting married because it will curse the young bride and make her unclean.

I love this film and I find it fascinating that I was able to learn so much from it. I recommend that everyone takes a look at it. It helps to open your eyes to more then the narrow paths in your life and gives you the opportunity to travel the paths of others. It also helps you to appreciate how much you have and to be thankful for it all.

-FiN- ... TracieEV