Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ponies and pumpkin heads

I like it... It does get boring at a point because there is a lot of the same shot over and over. Like when the boys are walking in the field and when they are shown skateboarding in four split screens ...this happens over and over again.

I get the vibe that Dustinn Craig is trying to show the stereotypical version of what people see Natives as and he is comparing that to the reality of these Native kids who just love to skate. I think that the way he has them dressed in very traditional Native clothing adds to the stereotypical image that people have in their minds about Natives. I think he is just trying to say that... Yeah these kids come from a very strong background with strong beliefs and traditions but in the end they are just a bunch of kids with talent that do what they do where they want to do it and there should be absolutely no need for discrimination against that.

I am not sure I understood the whole pumpkin head thing... Perhaps he is trying to symbolism the idea that if you love to do something then you love to do it ...No matter who you are ... a person of Native decent... A person Of Chinese decent ... Canadian decent, Italian decent... a pumpkin head... They are all the same and they simply love what they do.

I absolutely believe that he was successful. It takes a person with an open mind to understand abstract films... and it takes an equally as open minded person to understand other cultures and to apprectiate people for who they are ... not what they wear or what they eat.

FinNnNNNnNNn - tv

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