Sunday, May 17, 2009


Baz Lurhman is a brave man to say the least. After making a short, three minute abstract film I have a very miniscule idea of what it is like to shoot, edit, and complete a film. It is a tedious experience that takes a lot of patience and talent. Baz takes the already extremely difficult task of making a movie and upgrades it by choosing a location that is so off of the map and so intense compared to the Hollywood set life.

This movie is shot in the raw and fierce outback of Australia. This is not only a place that is very far away from the rest of civilization but it is also a place that has many obstacles to overcome while trying to create a movie.... For example the excruciating heat, dangerous animals and the distance of travelling it takes to get to the preferred shooting spot.

I find it fascinating that it took them such a long time to decide whether or not they wanted to shoot in the suggested outback area. One of the crew members went out and took photographs of the beautiful piece of Australian outback, came back to Baz and discussed the potential space and then together agreed that it was exactly what the film was going to need. Not only did they have to lug all of the tech things around like cameras, lights, tables and chairs EST... They also had to build an accurately sized house, in the middle of nowhere, as part of the set.

I think that these little podcasts add to the overall beauty of the film. The film is very large and extravagant it is referred to as an epically enchanting romance… or something along those lines (I can’t check because it doesn’t let me at school). Anyhow, it helps the audience to get a better idea of how long and intense the process is when it comes to making a movie and it helps to make people appreciate the work put into these huge feature films. Perhaps it also helps to ease people’s minds when it comes to paying for their $11.00 movie tickets.

I have yet to see this film but I am looking forward to the time when I do. On my flight to Australia in March Australia was being shown on the plane but I kept passing over it because it is such a long movie. But after watching those couple of podcasts I see that if Baz and his crew were to go to such an extent and only create an hour and a half long movie then it would seem like almost a complete waste of their time and energy. I can't wait to view this film. The recommendations have been coming from everyone :)

F - - Tracie Volpe
I - - Tracie Volpe
N - - Tracie Volpe

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