Sunday, March 1, 2009

Chronologically Displaced.

The Time Travelers Wife.

I have never been more in love with a novel in my life. I enjoy reading, quite thouroughly, and I find that with every novel comes a new story, a new character, sometimes a new tragedy and most times ..there comes a connection between a reader and a character that can never be explained. While reading The Time Travelers Wife it is close to impossible not to fall in love with Claire and Henry's unconditional love for one another.
As the book comes to an end so does that unexplainable connection. It is almost heart wrenching when one loses a connection like that. It seems silly to say but ask any book lover, it is true.

The reason I am writing this blog about a book is because this book is soon to become a film. It is so exciting to see one of your favourtie books get turned into a movie because you can connect your imagination to real life. Sometimes it is an extreme letdown when the movie isn't even close to what you imagined in your mind from the book....but when it is well done it is one of the most exciting cinematic experiences ever. It also helps to bring back that connection between the character and the reader.

The actor who has been cast to play Claire is Rachel McAdams and the actor who has been cast to play Henry is Eric Bana. I cannont wait to view this film when it is realeased this August. I am hoping that they capture the raw love that is potrayed in the novel. I also hope that they have a strong digital effect that will show his time travelling in a very realistic way. It is an important part of the book and it best be done well in the movie :)

I DEFINITELY DEFINITELY recommend this book to everyone and anyone ..It is a beautiful book and it is worth a few hours of everyones life.. ENJOY


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